Business Divisions

Business Divisions
Provide service of consulting, design, manufacturing, installation, intelligent maintenance of automatic production system for industries of automotive manufacturing, automatic storage, airport logistics, tyre manufacturing.
Focus on the recycling and dismantling of scrapped and end of life vehicles, remanufacturing of core automobile parts and components, recycling and dismantling of power battery, step utilization and element recovery,etc.
Provides products and service for wind power, nuclear power, gas turbine, reducer and other industries. The main products are large casting parts, and provides the service of precision casting, precision processing and integrated assembly.
Intelligent manufacturing Service
In the era of industry 4.0, it is imperative for China's manufacturing industry to develop towards intelligence. MAE Will establish long-term cooperative relationship with Tencent Cloud to gradually archive the extension from manufacturing.
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No.288 luoou Road, Luoshe Town,
Huishan District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu


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